Welcome to FCM Controls Malaysia

About FCM Controls

FCM controls specializes in research and design of electronic control modules for medium voltage power distribution networks.

Our products are advanced control and protection devices that provide continuous power network monitoring and protection against various types of electrical and equipment faults that may occur in service.

Our measurement and protection functionality are constantly upgraded to stay in line with constantly increasing functional requirements.

FCM controls control modules combine several functionalities, such as network monitoring and protection, medium voltage circuit breaker monitoring and control, auxiliary power management and backup, all in one purpose-optimized device.

FCM controls control modules imply unique technology for continuous medium voltage circuit breaker supervision, providing constant feedback on health status of important power distribution equipment.

Depending on application requirements, control modules manufactured FCM controls may optionally include extension for binary or digital input/output module to integrate with various on-site equipment.

Apart from network protection and circuit breaker control FCM control modules support all conventional and modern communication protocols to provide easy integration with power distribution control center.

Though our product architecture has proven its stability in the most harsh and rigid environment, we are always improving our design, offering new solutions and advanced functionality to our customers and partners.

Increasing demand for CO2 reduction lead to more and more complex distribution networks structure and load balancing. This makes traditional approach to control and protection of electrical network irrelevant in the most demanding applications. We closely follow developments in the field of electrical systems protection to make sure our products are compatible to the most up to date and demanding applications.

FCM controls focuses on supporting the most advanced primary voltage and current sensors that comply to latest editions of IEC-61869-10 and -11 standards for low power measurement equipment.